By: Gracie Jing (kgj7), Connie Liu (cl2264), Olivia Zhu (oz28)
Directions: Filter and visualize data by changing the time parameters or race-based hatecrime filters, selecting a specific police precinct, or adding a demographic overlay.
This visualization was designed to help users identify the frequency of hate crimes across New York City. We want to focus on racially-based hate crimes, so the user can choose to filter by a specific type of anti-race hate crime. To visualize change across time, the user may also select specific ranges of time to examine and see if there are spikes due to current or past events. To see demographic data, the user can choose to show the demographic overlay, which will show the main demographic of each area. When a filter is selected this will only indicate the areas of that selected demographic. Since the demographic overlay still shows the choropleth map of frequency of hate crimes in each precinct, the user can see if areas with one race as the main demographic is the area where most of the hate crimes of that demographic are happening.
Narrow the dataset according to time ranges as well with the line graph